The Plan was written in 2016 and has been updated in 2018, removing information at estate level to a confidential appendix. The Working Plan is used as the Group’s action plan and is regularly updated to reflect current group issues and plans. It contains up-to-date information on population numbers and habitat monitoring.
Northern DMG Deer Management Plan – Background Plan (updated Nov 2018)
Northern DMG Deer Management Plan – Working Plan (updated Sept 2022)
Appendix 1: Northern DMG Constitution 2018
Appendix 2: Individual Estates: Current Deer Management Figures and Future Management Recommendations [Confidential]
Map 1: NDMG Properties and Sub-Groups
Map 4: Areas of Recent Woodland Creation (link to OneDrive file)
Map 5: Designated Sites Within the NDMG Area
Map 6a: Reported Condition of SSSIs in 2019
Map 6b: Northern DMG – Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands SPA & SAC 2019
Map 8: Deer Vehicle Collisions reported in the Management Area between 2013 and 2017